David and Stephen Flynn
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David and Stephen Flynn

The Happy Pear Podcast

Dave and Steve are on a mission to make fruit and veg sexy and this podcast is about inspiring you to be a happier, healthier version of yourself.

Each week, there will be great conversations which will give you practical takeaways to enable you to be at your best.

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Dr Megan Rossi

Episode 2 – Dr. Megan Rossi AKA The Gut Health Doctor

This week’s episode is with the great Megan Rossi A. K.A the Gut Health Doctor.

Megan is a doctor, author, soon to be mum and an all round amazing human. She founded The Gut Health Clinic in London to make an evidence-based approach more accessible and get people’s guts back on track. Her book ‘Eat Yourself Healthy’ has been an international hit, released in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Portugal, as well as the US and Canada. She also received the Young Australian of The Year award from the Australian High Commission for her contribution to science and public education. If that wasn’t enough, she has also working with Olympic athletes and a number of CEOs to optimise their gut health.

“If you don’t have good gut health, if your gut lining isn’t strong, then no matter how healthy you are, your body is not going to be on the digest and extract what you need from your food”

In this episode, Megan discusses:

  • The amazing origin of how and why she chose to study all things gut health.
  • The importance of the gut from both a physical, mental and immune system health standpoint and some of her tactics to try and increase healthy bacteria exposure.
  • The Gut Brain Connection.
  • Why you should be striving for 30 different types of plants in your weekly diet.
  • Her top tips for improving your gut health today.
  • Balancing modern food while prioritising the gut.

She also delves into importance of

  • gut health and bacteria exposure in children
  • your environment and its impact on the gut.
  • of a varied healthy diet on the gut.
  • of limiting stress and embracing mindfulness, particularly with food.

We learned a huge amount from Megan, a particular highlight of the podcast was her example of thinking of your gut as almost like having a pet in your stomach that needs the right feeding!

We really hope you take away practical tips from this conversation.


Dave & Steve xx 

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