
Eat Well. Feel Good. Live Better.

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A Little About Us

David and Stephen Flynn

The Happy Pear started out back in 2004 with Steve, Dave, a tiny veg shop and a dream of helping people to eat more veg!

20 years later, The Happy Pear now consists of that same veg shop, our cafe and bakery in Greystones, over 80 delicious plant based food products (that we've sold 15 million units of!!), 15+ online courses (that over 100k people have taken!), a recipe club, 6 cookbooks (that we've sold 500k cookbooks), a 4 acre regenerative organic farm, a coffee roastery, and a social media following of nearly 2 million people!

All that said, the mission is still the same, to help you to get healthier and be happier!

David and Stephen Flynn
David and Stephen Flynn

Our Story

David and Stephen Flynn

We're identical twins Dave & Steve, technically we are mirror twins also, Dave is right handed and right footed and Steve left handed and left footed! Anyhow, we grew up in Greystones, Co. Wicklow the eldest of 4 boys. As identical twins we were super competitive! This meant by the time we were 19 we were playing semi professional rugby, we both played baseball for Ireland, We played off 2 & 3 handicap in golf and we did modelling as it was a good way to meet girls!! At that time we ate a standard meat and 2 veg diet and loved drinking beer with our rugby friends.

After studying business in college, in 2001, aged 21 we went travelling separately to see what else life had on offer. Steve went to Canada to be a snowboard instructor and Dave went to South Africa to become a golf professional. Within a couple of weeks we both independently became plant based and gave up alcohol and got very interested in spirituality and food. We spent the next couple of years travelling around the world delving deep into these 2 new interests from meditation centres to permaculture farms, organic biodynamic farms, alternative community, rainbow gatherings. Then in 2003 Steve called up Dave and asked him if we wanted to help start a ‘food revolution'! This was the seed of The Happy Pear.

Fast forward almost 20 years and the mission is still the same, to create a healthier, happier world and build community! Now The Happy Pear has 3 main business units that all serve the same goal of helping people to eat more veg!

Our Manifesto

image of the happy pear cafe

You are part of a world brimming with bountiful wonder and endless possibilities.

It may feel like you are just a tiny part, but you have powers beyond your imagination- the power to change your life, the power to change your community, the power to change the world itself. With every decision you make, you can help make the world better. Together, those tiny changes can generate a massive positive impact for yourself, for those you love and for the planet.

We want to play our part and help you make one small step today. One decision for the better. Maybe it's just about what you're going to eat, or how you're going to move. Maybe it's about how you see your life and the lives of those around you. We believe in the power of people. People like you. People willing to play their part, no matter how small it is. The world needs you. Your community needs you. Your body needs you.

image of the happy pear cafe

A Message From Dave & Steve

Hi :]

We're Dave and Steve, and we are honoured that you are here and are thrilled to share a message that's close to our hearts. When we started The Happy Pear back in 2004, we had a simple dream: to create a happier, healthier world through better food choices. Fast forward to today, and our mission is more relevant than ever. We're here to inspire you, to make a positive impact on our planet and to have fun, all through the delicious, joyful act of eating!

Building a community around these choices is at the heart of what we do. We believe in the power of community to inspire, motivate, and create lasting change. Whether it's through our cafe, supper club, cookbooks, online courses, recipe club, food products, organic farms or social media, we aim to bring people together around the shared goal of eating well and living better. We want to make healthy eating accessible, enjoyable, and fun!

Yes, fun! Because life is an adventure, and food should be a joyous part of that journey. We love nothing more than gathering friends and family, cooking up a storm, and sharing laughs over a delicious, plant based nourishing meal! This sense of joy and connection is what we hope to bring to you through The Happy Pear.

We would love to invite you to be part of our community via our recipe club, our whole health tribe or on social media. We would also love to invite you to visit us in our cafe and shop in Greystones, or maybe join us at the beach at sunrise! We're here to support you on your journey to make healthier, more sustainable plant based food choices. If we can help you make just one healthier choice today, then we've succeeded. Together, we can create a world where our food choices support nature, build community, and bring happiness to our lives.

Eat well, feel good, and live better!

With love and gratitude,

Dave & Steve

Through The Years

David and Stephen Flynn on The Happy Pear Farm

Our Farm

David and Stephen Flynn on The Happy Pear Farm

We run a 4 acre organic, regenerative farm based in Kilcoole, Co Wicklow just 10 mins south of Greystones, focused on minimum till or no dig practices where we not only adhere to the current organic growing standards but also focus on improving the soil microbe health and increasing the biodiversity around the farm through planting a mix of different pollinator species.

We produce up to 40 different crops across the full year and we provide these through a number of different channels. Our central focus is on our weekly veg box scheme where you can subscribe to receive a weekly veg box of the freshest local and in season veg and can collect it from a number of different collection points in the local area or have it delivered to their door.

Check out our latest book We also provide as much organic veg to The Happy Pear kitchen and shop in Greystones as we can across the year, we provide fresh herbs to our production facility and we sell a number of crops to local stores around the wider Greystones area.

The Happy Pear Farm

We also have a purpose built indoor farm specialising in growing the most nutrient dense foods on the planet namely living sprouts, micro greens and wheatgrass which are available across Ireland through SuperValu, Centra and through leading foodie stores such as Nolan’s of Clontarf, Fresh market, The Hopsack etc. We began this venture in 2009 and have been using certified organic seeds since the beginning and in 2018, our Bean Mix and Alfalfa sprouts have become certified organic products themselves.

Each sprout we grow has a range of different benefits. Our Organic Bean Mix is high in protein and high in fibre. Our Organic Alfalfa Sprouts are great for stabilising blood sugar levels and are packed full of digestive enzymes making them easier to digest and absorb. Our Super Sprout Mix not only tastes great but is high in protein and a great source of fibre.

These sprouts are all fantastic in any salad, sandwich or used as a garnish to top off any dish. Our wheatgrass is nature's natural multi-vitamin. Drank as a 30ml fresh juice, our wheatgrass juice is incredible for boosting your immune system.

The Happy Pear Farm

Our Community

the happy pear café

Our goal is to create a community built around health and happiness, in an environment people find enjoyable and where they feel supported in their efforts to make change.

Our cafe in Church Road, Greystones provides solace, a place for like minds to enjoy good food and hang out, our books and online courses empower people to live happier, healthier lives wherever they are in the world and we've ongoing events to bring the community together in person!

Get involved in our community or online or join us for a swimrise! It's no secret that we have long enjoyed a morning dip for some vitamin Sea. Years ago we invited our online community to join our next Swimrise on the promise of free porridge and tea and people came in their droves to our cafe. Close to 400 people gathered on a Sunday morning at 5AM to dip their toes in the Irish Sea and is the phenomenon that is SWIMRISE was born. Keep an eye on our social media for our next big splash!

people on greystones beach
greystones beach
david and stephen flynn
people doing yoga on greystones beach
the happy pear café
greystones beach

Eat Well. Feel Good. Live Better.

Join our Recipe Club with over 600 delicious recipes today


image of the happy pear roastery

Pearville is our head office and food production home in Kilcoole, just minutes from our farms and cafe in Greystones. Pearville is always a flurry of activity with lots of exciting developments and creativity going on. The site operates to the highest standards of quality, consistently achieving BRCGS AA accreditation.

We make our world famous hummus and pestos here, we make beautiful sourdough bread and pastries in our wonderful sourdough bakery; we have a fermentation station, our product development hub and our speciality coffee roastery.

In March 2015, we began our journey into Speciality Coffee Roasting. After travelling to many countries visiting cafes, roasteries and attending lots of inspiring coffee events, we took off to Edinburgh to study Coffee Roasting with John Thompson of Coffee Nexus. Today, we roast for our café in Greystones and for the Irish market, with our retail coffee packs available in store and also for the Wholesale market.

image of the happy pear roastery