Join Our Plant Based Cooking Course

You don't need another recipe, you need a new philosophy! This is all about eating more veg; and this starts with learning to cook more veg.

Eating more plant-based meals will save you money as the ingredients are less costly. With over 600+ recipes at your fingertips, you'll be a confident plant-based chef in no time.

David and Stephen Flynn

Featured Course Instructors

David and Stephen Flynn

David and Stephen Flynn

Dave & Steve are plant-based chefs with over 40 million views on their recipes on YouTube. They are bestselling authors with restaurants, shops and a wide range of food products on sale across Ireland.

Mastering Plant Based Cooking

Learn all of the tips and tricks to make delicious, easy plant-based meals.

Over 50 Video Cooking Lessons

That you can follow at your own pace. Covering all aspects of cooking, no matter what your experience level.

3 Live Interactive Masterclasses & Workshops

Where you can see exactly how it's done in real time, and get your questions and concerns answered by Dave and Steve.

Over 600 Delicious Plant Based Recipes

Easy to follow with full instructions and ingredients. So you never run out of ideas or new dished to try.

Want To Learn More About Your Health?

David and Stephen Flynn

Our Whole Health Tribe offers you access to 12+ expert-led nutrition and health courses, over 600 plant-based recipes, and a supportive community of 4,000+ members. With our program, you can enhance your well-being by incorporating nutritious meals into your daily routine.

You'll also have access to hundreds of workouts, along with yoga, meditation, and breathwork lessons. These resources promote physical strength, mental tranquility, and emotional resilience, helping you create a sustainable path to overall well-being.

David and Stephen Flynn

Featured Courses & Challenges